The second track on Aotearoa/NZ-born Melbourne resident Matt Joe Gow’s fourth album, Between Tonight and Tomorrow, released a few weeks ago, is ”Til My Whole Heart Bursts’ and there is a sense on this album that Joe Gow has not only committed his whole heart but been prepared to show it to his listeners. It is an album of joys and sorrows and all the layers of human experience in between, in which the title serves the function of metaphor: we exist in this liminal space between tonight and tomorrow, between what is and what’s possible. It’s also literal, and therefore practical, and the songs on this album give us guidance on how to be in this world, as all great art does.

Joe Gow is a singer and songwriter of considerable experience, and he also produces and writes work for others. Right now he’s touring New Zealand with compatriot Kerryn Fields, but before he left we had a chance to talk about Between Tonight and Tomorrow, and other things. | Listen to Between Tonight and Tomorrow on Apple Music