Last year Tamworth-based artist Ashleigh Dallas won two Golden Guitars, including one for Female Artist of the Year, and this year she took home the GG for Traditional Country Album of the Year for her fifth album, In the Moment. When I interviewed Dallas last year she mentioned she was working on new music, and she meant it: her new single ‘Take a Minute’ is not taken from In the Moment because it is the first single of her next project.

I’ve interviewed Dallas several times over the past year and while there’s a chance our chats threaten to turn into their own talk show, it’s because she’s so interesting and inspiring to talk to. Dallas is one of the most creative people you’ll encounter, and one who appreciates how fundamental creativity is to her life while also treating it like it’s the most everyday thing in her life. So I’ll always take the chance to chat to her and find out what she’s been up – and what’s coming next. You can watch our chat on YouTube, or listen on the podcast. | Listen to ‘Take a Minute’ on Apple Music